Property | Value |
Atomic Density | 5 x 1022 cm-3 5 x 1028 m-3 |
Atomic Weight | 28.09 |
Density (ρ) | 2.328 g cm-3 2328 kg m-3 |
Energy Bandgap (EG) | 1.1242 eV |
Intrinsic Carrier Concentration (ni) at 300K* | 1 x 1010 cm-3 1 x 1016 m-3 |
Intrinsic Carrier Concentration (ni) at 25°C* | 8.6 x 109 cm-3 8.6 x 1015 m-3 |
Lattice Constant | 0.543095 nm |
Melting Point | 1415 °C |
Thermal Conductivity | 1.5 Wcm-1K-1 150 Wm-1K-1 |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient | 2.6 x 10-6 K-1 |
Effective Density of States in the Conduction Band (NC) | 3 x 1019 cm-3 3 x 1025 m-3 |
Effective Density of States in the Valence Band (NV) | 1 x 1019 cm-3 1 x 1025 m-3 |
Relative Permittivity (εr) | 11.7 |
Electron Affinity | 4.05 eV |
Electron Diffusion Coefficient (De) | kT/q µe |
Hole Diffusion Coefficient (Dh) | kT/q µh |
硅的性质随掺杂的变化 (300 K)
载流子迁移率是载流子类型和掺杂水平的函数。这里计算的值使用与 PC1D 相同的公式来拟合 3 和 45 6中给出的值。作为掺杂函数的寿命是根据体寿命给出的。
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- 6. “The Relationship Between Resistivity and Dopant Density for Phosphorus- and Boron-Doped Silicon”. U.S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards, 1981.