Comments on Spectral Response


The above equations should be written SR(A/W) = QE x lambda(nm)/1239.8 and SR(A/W) = QE x lambda(um)/1.2398 to agree with SR definition

I am Ph.D. Student. I need an excel data sheet of typical spectral responce of c-Si solar cells.

Thank you

I am also a Ph.D. Student. I would need an excel data sheet of typical spectral responce of c-Si solar cells and some other if they are available.

Should them be:

QE=SR*1239.8/lambda when lambda is in nm
QE=SR*1.2398/lambda when lambda is in um


The formulas were incorrect. It is fixed now.


I am researching how SRV and L can be found from IQE. Since these have been used to make the plot above, what is the formulae used in the plot and is there some literature I can read on what those formulae are?

Thank you!

The formula are from Hovel "Solar Cells" (1975). It is difficult to extract S an L reliably from the IQE as there are too many second order effects.