Basic Info
Melting temperature 1: 1260K
Crystal Structure 1: Chalcopyrite lattice
Space Group: I42d
Z = 4
a = 5.781 Å
c = 11.552 Å
c/a = 2
A graph showing peak intensities (intensity vs. 2-theta) can be found at reference 2
The unit cell can be seen in reference 3.
PV Applications:
Conversion efficiencies of 17.8% have been reached for vapor-deposited CIS cells
The chalcopyrite structure of ternary I-III-VI2 compounds have high absorption coefficients making CIS well-suited for solar cells
CuInSe2 is the absorber layer
Basic Parameters at 300 K:
Density 1: 5.77g/cm3
Dielectric Constants 1: ɛ(0) = 15.2 E ‖ c
ɛ(0) = 16.0 E⊥c
ɛ(∞) = 8.5 E ‖ c
ɛ(∞) = 9.5 E⊥c
Band Structure and carrier concentration 1:
Single Crystals:
μn (6±3) cm2/V-s
μp (3.1±0.15) cm2/V-s
p 5x1015 cm-3
Bandgap of 1.02 eV
A graph of the band structure of CuInSe2 can be seen at reference 1.
Temperature Dependences:
Energy Gap Narrowing at High Doping Levels 1:
Energy Gap
Eg.dir (1.010 ± 0.001) eV single crystal
dEg/dT -1.1x10-4 eV/K T= 100…300K
Effective Masses and Density of States
Effective Masses 1:
The Fermi surface of electrons is spherical and located at the center of the Brillouin zone.
Cyclotron mass value m*c 0.0822 m0
Eff. Mass at minimum of conduction band m*0 0.0772 m0
mn = mp 0.087 m0
Donors and Acceptors 4:
The acceptor levels are at 0.020 eV and 0.028 eV above the valence band and the donor levels are at 0.012 eV and 0.18 eV below the conduction band.
Electrical Properties
Exciton binding energy 1: 4.3meV T = 2K
Splitting energies (at Γ)
Δso 0.8 eV
Δcf +0.006 eV T = 77 K
Δso 0.23 eV T = 77 K
Basic Parameters of Electrical Properties:
Mobility and Hall Effect 1:
A graph showing Electron mobility vs. temperature for four n-type samples can be found at reference 1.
A graph of the Resistivity and Hall coefficient vs. reciprocal temperature for four p-type samples can be found at reference 1.
Optical properties 1:
Refractive index: n = 2.5-2.7 hv = 0.5-0.9 eV
Absorption coefficient 5: 104 cm-1
Thermal properties:
Coefficient of thermal expansion 1:
X-ray studies on powder prepared from single crystals
Parallel: 7.90x10-6 1/K along c – axis
Perpendicular: 11.23x10-6 along a – axis
Debye temperature 1: 243.7 K
A graph of electron mobility vs. temperature can be found at reference 1.
Mechanical properties:
Bulk modulus 1: 4.82x1012 Pa
Elastic Constants
Second order elastic moduli 1: T=300 K
C11 9.70x1010 N/m
C33 10.89x1010 N/m
C44 3.62x1010 N/m
C66 3.16x1010 N/m
C12 5.97x1010 N/m
C13 8.60x1010 N/m
Acoustic Wave Speeds:
Sound velocity [1]:
υL 3.77x105 cm/s
υT 2.10x105 cm/s
Phonon Frequencies
A graph of the phonon dispersion curves of TA[100], LA[100], TA1[110], TA2[110], LA[1110], TO2[110], LA[001], TA[001] and TO[001] modes can be seen at reference 1.
Developed at the University of Utah primarily by undergraduate students Jeff Provost and Carina Hahn working with Prof. Mike Scarpulla. Caitlin Arndt, Christian Robert, Katie Furse, Jash Sayani, and Liz Lund also contributed. The work was fully supported by the US National Science Foundation under the Materials World Network program award 1008302. These pages are a work in progress and we solicit input from knowledgeable parties around the world for more accurate or additional information. Contact [email protected] with such suggestions.
- 1. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. Semiconductors Data Handbook. Berlin: Springer, 2004, p. 691.
- 2. “Green synthesis of tunable Cu(In1−xGax)Se2 nanoparticles using non-organic solvents”, Green Chemistry, vol. 12, no. 7, p. 1248, 2010.
- 3. “Lattice vibrations of CuInSe2 and CuGaSe2 by Raman microspectrometry”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 72, 1992.
- 4. “Electrical Properties of p- and n-Type CuInSe 2 Single Crystals”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1303 - 1310, 1979.
- 5. “Optical properties of copper indium diselenide thin films”, Chalcogenide Letters, vol. 7, pp. 49–58, 2010.