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S. J. Robinson, Aberle, A. G., и Green, M. A., «Departures from the principle of superposition in silicon solar cells», Journal of Applied Physics, т. 76, с. 7920, 1994.
C. B. Honsberg, Anwar, K. K., Mehrvarz, H. R., Cotter, J. E., и Wenham, S. R., «Dependence of aluminium alloying on solar cell processing conditions», 13th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes. 2003.
W. Shockley и Queisser, H. J., «Detailed Balance Limit of Efficiency of p-n Junction Solar Cells», Journal of Applied Physics, т. 32, с. 510-519, 1961.
A. B. Sproul, «Dimensionless solution of the equation describing the effect of surface recombination on carrier decay in semiconductors», Journal of Applied Physics, т. 76, с. 2851-2854, 1994.
M. Planck, «Distribution of energy in the normal spectrum», Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, т. 2, с. 237-245, 1900.
M. Planck, «Distribution of energy in the spectrum», Annalen der Physik, т. 4, с. 553-563, 1901.
