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Conference Proceedings
J. Szlufcik, Sivoththaman, S., Nlis, J. F., Mertens, R. P., and Van-Overstraeten, R., Low-cost industrial technologies of crystalline silicon solar cells, Proceedings-of-the-IEEE, vol. 85. pp. 711-730, 1997.
D. De Ceuster, Cousins, P., Rose, D., Cudzinovic, M., and Mulligan, W., Low Cost, High Volume Production of >22% Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells, 22nd European Photovoltaic Specialist Conference. 2007.
R. Einhaus, Vazsonyi, E., Szlufcik, J., Nijs, J., and Mertens, R., Isotropic texturing of multicrystalline silicon wafers with acidic texturing solutions, Twenty Sixth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. New York, NY, USA, pp. 167-170, 1451, 1997.
K. R. McIntosh and Honsberg, C. B., The Influence of Edge Recombination on a Solar Cell’s IV Curve, 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference. 2000.
J. Zhao, A., W., Dai, X., Green, M. A., and Wenham, S. R., Improvements in Silicon Solar Cell Performance, 22nd IEEE PV Specialists Conference. pp. 399-402, 1991.
D. S. Ruby, Yang, P., Zaidi, S., Brueck, S., Roy, M., and Narayanan, S., Improved Performance of Self-Aligned, Selective-Emitter Silicon Solar Cells, 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion. Vienna, Austria, 1998.
M. Wolf, Historical Development of Solar Cells. IEEE Press, 1976.
R. G. Ross, Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Array Design Optimization, 14th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. San Diego, CA, pp. 1126-1132, 1980.
C. B. Honsberg, Anwar, K. K., Mehrvarz, H. R., Cotter, J. E., and Wenham, S. R., Dependence of aluminium alloying on solar cell processing conditions, 13th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes. 2003.
H. J. Wenger, Schaefer, J., Rosenthal, A., Hammond, B., and Schlueter, L., Decline of the Carrisa Plains PV Power Plant: The Impact of Concentrating Sunlight on Flat Plates, 22nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Las Vegas, USA, pp. 586-592, 1991.
J. H. Wohlgemuth and Narayanan, S., Buried contact concentrator solar cells, Twenty Second IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, vol. 1. pp. 273-277, 1991.
R. M. Swanson, Approaching the 29% limit efficiency of silicon solar cells, Thirty-First IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 01/2005, Lake buena Vista, FL, USA, pp. 889-94, 2005.
J. Zhao, Wang, A., and Green, M. A., 19.8% Efficient Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Honeycomb Textured Front Surface, 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion. Vienna, Austria, 1998.
S. Narayanan et al., 18% efficient polycrystalline silicon solar cells, Twenty First IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, vol. 1. pp. 678-680, 1990.
Conference Paper
R. Corkish, Luke, K. L., Altermatt, P. P., and Heiser, G., Simulating Electron-Beam-Induced Current Profiles Across p-n Junctions, in Proceedings of the 16h European Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow UK, 2000, pp. 1590-1593.
S. Bowden and Rohatgi, A., Rapid and Accurate Determination of Series Resistance and Fill Factor Losses in Industrial Silicon Solar Cells, in 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, 2001.
R. A. Sinton and Cuevas, A., A Quasi-Steady-State Open-Circuit Voltage Method for Solar Cell Characterization, in 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 2000, pp. 1152–1155.
K. R. McIntosh and Baker-Finch, S. C., OPAL 2: Rapid optical simulation of silicon solar cells, in 2012 IEEE 38th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC)2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 2012.
A. G. Aberle, Wenham, S. R., and Green, M. A., A New Method for the Accurate Measurements of the Lumped Series Resistance of Solar Cells, in Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Louisville, KY, 1993.
G. Bunea, Wilson, K., Meydbray, Y., Campbell, M., and Ceuster, D. D., Low Light Performance of Mono-Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, in 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conference, Waikoloa, HI, 2006, pp. 1312–1314.
B. Dale and Rudenberg, H. G., High efficiency silicon solar cells, in Proceedings of the 14th Annual Power Sources Conference, 1960, p. 22.
P. J. Cousins et al., Gen III: Improved Performance at Lower Cost, in 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2010.
